
Friday, October 10, 2014

Ten Things I'm Thankful for Today

Ten Things I'm thankful for today:

1. Instead of going to work, I got to sleep in a little and glam myself up for husband's graduation at the Fire Academy.

2. When I locked myself out of the house and was afraid I wouldn't make it to husband's graduation, I tried the garage keypad one last time (the batteries died about a week ago) and it was a miracle of God that the door eventually opened so I was able to get our spare key.

3. Driving down to Camden I wasn't quite sure where I was going. I ended up seeing a Conway Fire Department truck and knew that they were also going to the graduation. I followed them all the way there.

4. After running over a traffic cone, I was able to find a parking spot (My car obviously just took the place of the traffic cone). Now that I think about it, that probably wasn't a parking spot. Oh well.

5. I just barely managed to get a seat in the very back.

6. Husband led the prayer at the beginning of the graduation. It was beautiful, and he did a wonderful job.

7. Husband graduated! Yay!

Isn't he so handsome?!?

8. We got to eat lunch at a quaint, little diner to celebrate.

9. Upon arriving home, I checked the mail. A package with an infertility product had shown up, and guess what? They gave me a bag of baby dust! Do you remember that blog post I did titled, "You Know You're Infertile If . . ."? Well, I mentioned something about baby dust on there, and now instead of being given cyber baby dust from girls on forums, I have REAL baby dust! I giggled when I saw it.

10. Husband and I enjoyed a 30 minute walk with our puppies. It was calming, and the weather was cool. And we made it back to our house just minutes before it started raining.

So there are ten things that I'm thankful for today. It was an eventful and good day.

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